Natural Sister's Products Store
Juniper Breeze Room Spray can make a substantial difference in the look and feel of your living space, Unlike other bathroom sprays, this is one spray that really does create a lot of warmth, along with a wonderful sense of comfort. It comes in two sprays, one for the inside of the room and another for the outside of the room.
Juniper Breeze is a very clean fragrance that combines the aroma of juniper berries and tart green apple, jasmine and a hint of musk.
Spraying in the bathroom gives you the chance to decide how much you want to change the decor or maybe to have a completely new look. It really depends on what you like and what you feel comfortable with. There are many ways that you can really color your bathrooms so if you want a calming feel that is relaxing, a subtle hint of red might be good. If you want a dramatic and bright new look, then spraying the walls can give you just that. The two sprays both have their advantages. Either one works well but you will need to experiment a bit until you find the best one for you. For example, the room spray is far better if you have small children who are up all night.
Natural Sisters our goal is to positively impact the lives of as many people as we possibly can, by selling such a high quality product at an affordable price. Be confident knowing you are purchasing quality oils at direct-to-consumer prices.
Our customers are our #1 priority and we’d love for you to join the Plant Therapy Family. Our Certified Aromatherapists are happy to help you with all of your Room Sprays questions. We want you to be confident and satisfied with your purchase.
Collections: ALL ITEMS, Room Sprays